How many litters do you have per year?
A breeder shouldn’t have more than 12-15 litters per year at an absolute maximum.
More would be impossible to manage appropriately unless you had a commercial facility with lots of hired help. I am not a fan of commercial dog breeding facilities. They cut a lot of corners and don’t generally know anything about their own dogs.
A breeder that only has 1-2 litters per year is also not really ideal. I say that as a breeder that is generally only has 2 litters per year, so I’m saying this in all honesty. A breeder that doesn’t have lots of litters might not have the experience necessary. Obviously I believe a smaller-scale breeder can have the experience you’re looking for, so this is just an answer to use as a piece of the larger picture. A relatively new breeder that is just-starting out can also have great dogs (and the breeder’s price should reflect his/her lack of experience accordingly). Again this is just another piece of the overall picture you’re putting together.
A breeder should not ever have more than 2 litters at a time. I cannot even imagine how I would even get sleep with 3 litters at once.
More would be impossible to manage appropriately unless you had a commercial facility with lots of hired help. I am not a fan of commercial dog breeding facilities. They cut a lot of corners and don’t generally know anything about their own dogs.
A breeder that only has 1-2 litters per year is also not really ideal. I say that as a breeder that is generally only has 2 litters per year, so I’m saying this in all honesty. A breeder that doesn’t have lots of litters might not have the experience necessary. Obviously I believe a smaller-scale breeder can have the experience you’re looking for, so this is just an answer to use as a piece of the larger picture. A relatively new breeder that is just-starting out can also have great dogs (and the breeder’s price should reflect his/her lack of experience accordingly). Again this is just another piece of the overall picture you’re putting together.
A breeder should not ever have more than 2 litters at a time. I cannot even imagine how I would even get sleep with 3 litters at once.
How often do you breed any one bitch?
You can ask how often each bitch is bred per year and in total, but the answer isn't really going to indicate much. If a bitch is bred every heat cycle it could be twice a year, but it could also be 4 times per year. It depends on that bitch's cycle. If a breeder is very careful about nutrition and "condition" it is possible to safely breed a bitch twice a year (maximum) regardless of the bitch's heat cycles.
Many breeders do not choose to breed a bitch every time she comes into season. Breeding litters back-to-back can be extremely hard on the mother and should only be done with great caution. Since a bitch can have an accidental litter if she is kept with stud dogs it is extremely important for all breeders to keep their girls in breeding condition, regardless of time of year and whether or not the bitch will be bred any time soon.
When do you retire your parent dogs?
How many litters each bitch has in total over her lifetime will not really help you to determine if your breeder is responsible. It is better to ask at what age a breeder begins to breed their dogs/bitches and when do they retire their parent dogs.
A male or female shouldn't begin breeding until he is at a minimum 1 year of age (to ensure proper health and temperament). It is always better to wait and each individual dog should be evaluated accordingly. I had a bitch who was "grown up" enough mentally to whelp her first litter at 1 year of age and I've had a bitch who was not "grown up" enough mentally to have her first litter until she was 2 years old. Every dog is an individual.
A male dog can be retired from breeding at late as 7-8 years of age and a bitch should be retired at age 6. A breeder that only uses a bitch for 2-3 litters isn't a very good breeder at all, avoid this breeder.
You want a pup from a bitch that reliably produces consistently wonderful babies. It takes 2 litters at a minimum just to determine the exact kind of pups a bitch is producing. If a bitch is producing great pups there would not be any reason to stop her from breeding until she is at the right age to be retired. There is no benefit to stopping early and so a breeder that regularly only breeds 1-2 litters per bitch may very well be regularly producing sub-par puppies (which is why they are discontinuing their bitches so frequently). The other reason would include the brood dames all belonging to guardian homes, which really prevents the breeder from knowing who they are breeding.
I personally always select dogs from a particular pairing's third or fourth litter. This means the breeder will have a good idea what the babies are going to be like in temperament and physical traits.